COVID-19NyhederNyt fra Alanya

Oversigt over de nye restriktioner i Tyrkiet (14/12)

D. 20 november trådte en ny række restriktioner i kraft og D. 30 november samt 14/12 blev endnu flere tilføjet.

Det er efterhånden en jungle at finde ud af reglerne, før nye bliver tilføjet, men vi betræber os på at gøre reglerne så overskuelige så muligt.

Nederst på siden kan du se en oversigt med de vigtigste restriktionerne i Tyrkiet anno 15/12. I den danske oversigt er der fokus på det som har størst effekt for flest personer. Under den danske oversigt er der en komplet oversigt med alle reglerne udstedt af regeringen oversat til engelsk af Alanya´s udlændinge komité.

NOTE: Artiklen er senest opdateret den 15.12.2020 med de nyeste restriktioner. Den har været opdateret 1/12, 20/11 og 28/11.

Læs også: Sådan får du en HES code (hvad det er)

14/12: Hele Tyrkiet er underlagt hjemmekarantæne fra 31/12 2020 kl 21.00 til 4/1 2021 kl 05.00

De nye restriktioner fra 20/11 rammer blandt andet restauratør utrolig hårdt. Fra fredag D. 20 november kl 20.00 må restauranter, cafeer osv ikke længere have siddende gæster. Det er kun restauranter som kan tilbyde take-away som må forblive åben, alle andre skal lukke deres forretning indtil de nye restriktioner igen bliver fjernet.

Det kommer unægteligt til at betyde nogle restauranter og caféer kommer til at gå konkurs, pga manglende indtægt, hvilket er en trist udvikling.

Også biografer, gaming caféer (playstation og internetcafeer), the haver og ligene skal også lukke deres forretninger indtil de nye restriktioner igen bliver fjernet. Hvilket med stor sandsynlig ikke bliver før tidligst starten af 2021.

Senest er strande, strandpromenader og parker også blevet tilføjet på listen over steder man ikke må færdes samt alle former for picnic er blevet forbudt.

restriktioner i Tyrkiet, Tyrkiet restriktioner, covid-19 tyrkiet, Tyrkiet covid-19, regler i Tyrkiet,
Flere offentlige kontorer, heriblandt Nufus kontoret i Alanya kræver nu at man booker en tid online i forvejen. Til det kræves blandt andet en HES code.
restriktioner i Tyrkiet, Tyrkiet restriktioner, covid-19 tyrkiet, Tyrkiet covid-19, regler i Tyrkiet,
Kun ganske få steder i Alanyum holdte deres restauranter åben før de nye restriktioner den 30/11. Om de lukker helt nu, må tiden vise.

De nye restriktioner er lavet, for at forhindre at folk samles og spreder COVID-19. Tyrkiets såvel som alle andre lande ønske er at holde smitten under kontrol, og derfor går Tyrkiet til drastiske midler.

Den 30/11 blev weekend aften karantænen ændret, så der nu er karantæne for alle hele dagen i weekenden (fra fredag aften til mandag morgen).

Tyrkiet har fokus på at holde produktionen i Tyrkiet i gang, derfor er en lang rækker forskellige arbejdsområder undtaget fra mange af reglerne herunder kargo firmaer, fabrikker, journalister og (naturligvis) aller former for arbjede i sundhedssektoren.

Læs også: Om at flytte til Alanya og de mange spørgsmål dertil.

Covid-19 tyrkiet, Corona Tyrkiet, Tyrkiet Corona,Tyrkiet Karantæne, karantæne i Tyrkiet, COVID 19 tyrkiet, corona virus i tyrkiet, weekend karantæne i Tyrkiet

Oversigt over de nye restriktioner i Tyrkiet

Følgende restriktioner gælder fra D. 20 november 2020 i hele Tyrkiet. Vores danske oversigt må ikke videregives eller fotograferes uden kildeangivelse til Sker dette er det brud på copyright loven.

Læs også: Turister er undtaget fra de nye restriktioner

Weekend karantæne for personer mellem 21 – 64 år
(Læs engelsk oversigt nederst på siden for flere uddybelser)
✅ 10.00-17.00 tilladt at gå til grønthandleren, supermarkedet, slagteren og delikatesse butikker.
🚫 17.00-10.00 butikkerne er lukket.
✅ At gå til bageren efter brød (intet tidsrum speciferet)
⚠️ Man skal GÅ til nærmeste bager, supermarked osv. Det er ikke tilladt at køre, med mindre man har et handicap, der kræver man køre.
Weekend karantæne for personer under 20 år og over 65 år🚫 Ingen undtagelser for at forlade huset, med mindre det er livstruende.
Bordservering på restauranter og caféer🚫 Alle ugens dage
Take-away service fra restauranter og caféer (afhentning på stedet)✅ 10.00 – 20.00 mandag til fredag
🚫 20.00- 10.00 mandag til fredag
Take-away service fra restauranter og caféer (bestilling via telefon eller online)✅ 10.00 – 22.00 mandag til fredag.
🚫 22.00- 10.00 mandag til fredag
✅ 10.00 – 20.00 lørdag og søndag.
🚫20.00- 10.00 lørdag og søndag
Supermarkeder, markeder, slagte, grønthandlere, shoppingcentre, barbere, frisører og skønhedsklinikker.✅ 10.00 – 20.00 mandag til fredag.
✅ 10.00-17.00 lørdag og søndag.
Gaming caféer, biografer, underholdningssteder, pool bare, the haver, sports faciliteter, klubber, strande, parker, strandpromonader og diskoteker.🚫 Alle ugens dage (indtil min. 31 december 2020)
Regler for personer under 20 år✅ Må gå ud mellem 13.00-16.00 mandag til fredag.
🚫 Øvrige tidspunkter
🚫Må ikke benytte offentlig transport
Regler for personer over 65 år✅ Må gå ud mellem 10.00-13.00 mandag til fredag
🚫 Øvrige tidspunkter
🚫Må ikke benytte offentlig transport
SkolerFjernundervisning indtil min. 4 januar 2021.
Udgangsforbud for alle (udtagelse for dem der arbejder og har tilladelser til at være ude)🚫Fredag kl. 21.00 til mandag kl 05.00
🚫Mandag til fredag kl. 21.00 til kl 05.00
Alle sammenkomster der organiseres af ikke-statslige organisationer, som f.eks generalforsamlinger, faglige organisationer, fagforeninger må tidligst mødes (fysisk) igen den 01.03.2021. (vedtaget den 27.11.2020)🚫 1.12.2020
✅ (tidligst) 01.03.2021
Restriktionerne anno 30/11/2020 på engelsk

MINISTRY OF INTERIOR, General Directorate of Provincial Administration
Number: E-89780865-153-20076 30/11/2020
Subject: Curfew Restrictions

In order to manage the risk posed by the coronavirus (Covid19) epidemic in terms of public health and public order, to ensure social isolation, to protect the physical distance and to control the rate of spread of the disease, the basic principles of the controlled social life period we are in, as well as the rules of cleanliness, masks and distance. The rules and measures to be followed in the field are determined and implemented in line with the recommendations of the Ministry of Health and the Coronavirus Scientific Committee, in line with the instructions of our President.

At the current stage, it is known to the public that there has been a rapid increase in the spread of the coronavirus epidemic all over the world and especially in Europe and that the number of cases and patients has increased in our country.
In this context, held on 30.11.2020 under the chairmanship of our President
In line with the decisions taken in the Presidential Cabinet;

  1. Until a new decision is taken, the curfew will be restricted on weekends, starting at 21:00 on Fridays, covering all Saturday and Sunday and ending at 05:00 on Mondays.
    As the first application, a curfew will be imposed for all our citizens, starting at 21:00 on Friday, 04.12.2020, and ending at 05.00 on Monday, 07.12.2020, and the practice will continue in the same way on the following weekends.
    1.1. During the curfew, the places and persons specified in the Annex will be exempted from the restriction in order to ensure the continuity of production, manufacturing, supply and logistics chains and the continuity of health, agriculture and forestry activities.
    1.2. On Saturdays and Sundays, when there are restrictions, markets, grocery stores, greengrocers, butchers and nuts can operate between 10.0017.00 hours, provided that our citizens (except those aged 65 and over and under 20) are limited to meeting their mandatory needs and not driving (except disabled citizens) They will be able to go to the closest market, grocery store, greengrocer, butcher and dried fruit shops to their residence. Between the same hours, grocery stores, grocery stores, greengrocers, butchers, dried fruits and online ordering companies will be able to make sales to home / address.
    1.3. On Saturdays and Sundays, bakeries and / or bakery licensed businesses and only bread-selling dealers of these workplaces will be open (Only bread and bakery products can be sold in these workplaces). Our citizens (excluding those aged 65 and over and under 20) will be able to go to and from the bakery within walking distance of their residences, provided that they are limited to meeting their bread and bakery product needs and do not drive a vehicle (except for disabled citizens).
    Bread distribution vehicles belonging to bakery and bakery products licensed businesses can only serve bread to markets and grocery stores, and no sales will be made on the streets with bread distribution vehicles.
    1.4. Restaurant and restaurant style establishments may only be open to serve as take-away service between 10.0020.00 on Saturdays and Sundays when there is a curfew.
  2. Until a new decision is taken, the curfew will be restricted between 21.0005.00 on weekdays (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) throughout the country.
    As the first application, a curfew will be imposed for all our citizens, starting at 21:00 on Tuesday, 01.12.2020 and ending at 05:00 on Wednesday, 02.12.2020, and in the following weeks, the application will be implemented on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday as stated above. will continue.
    2.1. During the curfew, the places and persons specified in the Annex will be exempted from the restriction in order to ensure the continuity of production, manufacturing, supply and logistics chains and the continuity of health, agriculture and forestry activities.
    2.2. All workplaces will be closed at 20.00 on weekdays, except those that have been made to comply with the deadlines in the curfew.
  3. Intercity travels will be allowed during the periods and days (to be applied on weekdays and weekends) under the following mandatory situations.
    3.1. Conditions to be Considered as Compulsory Conditions;
    § To be discharged from the hospital where he is being treated and to return to his original residence, who has been referred with a doctor’s report and / or has a doctor’s appointment / control, içinTo attend the funeral of himself or his spouse, deceased first-degree relative or sibling, or to accompany the funeral transfer (maximum 4 people),
    § Those who have come to the city they are in within the last 5 days but do not have a place to stay but want to return to their place of residence (those who have arrived within 5 days, the travel ticket, the vehicle license plate they came from, other documents showing their travel, the information announced by the ÖSYM and other those who will take the central exams and their attendants,
    § Those who want to return to their settlements by completing their military service,
    § An invitation letter to a private or public daily contract,
    § Released from penal execution institutions,
    In the presence of the above-mentioned situations, our citizens will be able to travel by public transportation or through the EBAŞVURU and ALO 199 systems of the Ministry of Interior or by applying directly to the Governorships / District Governorates by obtaining permission from the Travel Permit Boards.
    3.2. Intercity travels of people who do not carry the above-mentioned excuses will only be possible by using public transportation vehicles (plane, bus, train, ship, etc.). The officials of the public transportation vehicles that document their business status and the ticket, reservation code etc. that they will travel intercity. Submitting with the certificate will be exempt from the curfew.
  4. The basic needs (bread, basic food, etc.) of our citizens aged 65 and over will be met through the Vefa Social Support Units by planning during the curfews.
    In line with the principles stated above, in accordance with Articles 27 and 72 of the General Hygiene Law, the decisions of the Provincial / District General Hygiene Boards are taken urgently, no disruption in practice and unjust treatment is caused, the establishment of administrative action in accordance with the relevant articles of the Public Health Law for those who do not comply with the decisions taken and Regarding the initiation of the necessary judicial proceedings within the scope of Article 195 of the Turkish Criminal Code regarding criminal behavior; I kindly request and request your information.
    Suleyman Soylu
    Annex: List of Places and People Exempt from Curfew (2 pages)
    Requirement: Information:
    81 Provincial Governorships
    Central Units
    Affiliated Organizations to the Presidency
    To the Ministry of Justice
    Family, Labor and Social Services
    To the Ministry
    To the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization
    To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    To the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources
    To the Ministry of Youth and Sports
    To the Ministry of Treasury and Finance
    To the Ministry of Culture and Tourism
    To the Ministry of Education
    To the Ministry of National Defense
    To the Ministry of Health
    To the Ministry of Industry and Technology
    To the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
    Ministry of Trade
    To the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure
    30/11/2020 Interior Expert: Fatih SUNAR
    30/11/2020 Head of Department: Mehmet YÜZER
    30/11/2020 Deputy General Manager: Servet GÜNGÖR
    30/11/2020 General Manager: H. Kürşat KIRBIYIK
    30/11/2020 Governor Deputy Minister: Muhterem İNCE
    APPENDIX: List of Places and People Exempt from Curfew
    By documenting that it is within the scope of exception on the days when curfews will be applied;
  5. TBMM members and employees,
  6. Those who are responsible for ensuring public order and security (including private security officers),
    3.Public institutions and organizations and enterprises (airports, ports, border gates, customs, highways, nursing homes, elderly nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, PTT, etc.) necessary for the maintenance of compulsory public services, employees and religious officials in places of worship,
  7. Those who work in Emergency Call Centers, Vefa Social Support Units, Provincial / District Epidemic Control Centers, Migration Management, Red Crescent, AFAD and disaster activities and those who are voluntarily assigned,
  8. Public and private health institutions and organizations, pharmacies, veterinary clinics and animal hospitals, and those working there, physicians and veterinarians,
  9. Those who have a mandatory health appointment (including blood and plasma donations to be made to the Red Crescent),
  10. Workplaces that carry out activities related to the production, transportation and sale of medicines, medical devices, medical masks and disinfectants, and those working there,
  11. Production and manufacturing facilities and construction activities and employees in these locations,
    9.Those who work in the production, irrigation, processing, disinfection, harvesting, marketing and transportation of herbal and animal products,
  12. Firms engaged in domestic and international transportation (including export / import / transit passes) and logistics and their employees,
  13. Those who are in charge of the transportation or logistics of products and / or materials (including cargo), domestic and international transportation, storage and related activities,
  14. Hotels and accommodation places and those who work there,
  15. Animal shelters, animal farms and animal care centers, staff and volunteer employees of these places, members of the Animal Feeding Group established by our Circular No. 7486 dated 30.04.2020, and those who will feed street animals,
  16. Those who go out to meet the compulsory needs of their pets, provided that it is limited to the front of their residence,
  17. Newspaper, magazines, radio and television organizations, newspaper printing presses, employees and newspaper distributors in these places,
  18. Fuel stations, tire repairers and their employees,
  19. Vegetable / fruit and seafood wholesale markets and those working there,
  20. Bakery and / or bakery licensed workplaces where bread is produced, vehicles assigned in the distribution of the bread produced and those working there,
  21. Those who are in charge of burials (religious officials, hospital and municipality officials, etc.) and those who will attend the funerals of their first-degree relatives,
  22. Large facilities and enterprises strategically operating in the natural gas, electricity and petroleum sectors (such as refinery and petrochemical plants and thermal and natural gas cycle plants) and those working in these areas,
  23. Electricity, water, natural gas, telecommunication etc. Those who are in charge of maintaining the transmission and infrastructure systems that should not be interrupted and fixing their failures and technical service employees, provided that they document that they are on duty to provide service,
  24. Cargo, water, newspaper and kitchen tube distribution companies and their employees,
    23.The personnel of local administrations who will work to carry out public transportation, cleaning, solid waste, water and sewage, anti-snow, spraying, fire brigade and cemetery services,
    24.Driver and officers of urban public transportation vehicles (metrobus, metro, bus, minibus, taxi, etc.),
  25. Dormitory, hostel, construction site, etc. Those in charge of meeting the basic needs of those staying in public places,
  26. Employees (workplace doctor, security guard, guard etc.) who are required to be present at workplaces in order to ensure occupational health and safety and safety of workplaces,
  27. Those with “Special Needs” such as autism, severe mental retardation, down syndrome and their parents / guardian or accompanying persons,
  28. They will establish a personal relationship with their children within the framework of the court decision (provided that they present the court decision),
  29. Athletes, managers and other officials in professional sports competitions that can be played without an audience,
    30.The large constructions whose employees are accommodated in the construction site and those who work there (within the scope of this article, construction and accommodation is allowed in the same construction site, employees from elsewhere are not allowed to come and those who stay on the site are not allowed to go elsewhere. is limited to.),
  30. Information processing centers and employees of institutions, organizations and enterprises that have a widespread service network throughout the country, especially banks (with the minimum number),
  31. Those who document that they will participate in other central exams announced by ÖSYM (spouse, sibling, a companion from the mother or father) and exam attendants,
  32. Food and beverage places located at the listening facilities located on the side of intercity highways, and those working there, permitted by the Provincial / District General Hygiene Boards, 34. Independent accountants, financial advisors, certified public accountants and those working with members of this profession due to the upcoming year-end transactions,

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Denne artikel omhandler:

  • Restriktioner i Tyrkiet
  • Nye regler i Tyrkiet
  • Lockdown Tyrkiet
  • Lockdown i Alanya
  • Restriktioner i Alanya
  • Coronavirus Alanya
  • Coronavirus Tyrkiet